Code of Conduct


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Code of Conduct

The Department Code of Conduct sets out standards of behaviour and good practice expected from its members.

In the Department of Economics, we are committed to establishing an inclusive and supportive culture in which all staff and students feel welcomed, accepted and given a voice, irrespective of individual and group difference. We each have a responsibility to create an environment where everyone feels equally valued.

We expect all department members to treat others with dignity and respect. We recognise that we differ from each other in backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures and that such differences can lead to conflicting expectations and interpretations of each other’s behaviour, and misunderstandings. We need to be open-minded and aware of our own implicit assumptions, and to work together constructively to improve understanding of other perspectives and beliefs. This could include:

  • Positive personal interactions – showing respect for personal space, appreciation of all forms of diversity (expand), an awareness and consideration of others.
  • Understanding and respecting the individual’s right to express their opinions and feelings – Taking the time to listen and appreciate that the reactions of others might differ from our own personal and cultural expectations.
  • Making everyone feel supported and included – it is not appropriate to make comments or jokes about the protected characteristics of the individual. Such remarks may offend, and may make someone feel excluded from the wider community.

Everyone in the department, including staff, students, and its visitors are part of the Economics community. As part of the community it is everyone’s responsibility to follow our code of conduct and behave accordingly, considering the impact their behaviour can have on others. Expectations for student conduct in the Department follows the guidelines set by the University.


Meetings, lectures, seminars and other events should provide a respectful and inclusive environment conducive to the free exchange of ideas. Open discussion, debate and challenge are essential elements of academic interaction, which can flourish only when all participants treat each other with respect and consideration. All interactions should promote equal opportunities and treatment for all participants; there is a zero-tolerance policy for any interactions, intentional or unintentional, that constitute intimidation, harassment or discrimination.

The department seminar speaker guidance outlines its goals for improving speaker diversity and creating a learning environment that is conducive to the open exchange of ideas and academic debate and where all attendees. This guidance applies in all lectures, classes and seminars taking place in the department:

  • Challenges should be directed towards ideas and should never be a personal attack on an individual expressing them. Participants must not use aggressive or intimidating language, and disruptive behaviour such as persistent intervention or repetition of remarks or questions and must respond appropriately to requests from the chair.
  • Support should be given to students and early-career researchers who may have had less experience in meetings and seminars. Where the presenter has less experience, it may be helpful to allow only clarification questions during presentations, and other questions afterwards.
  • ​​​Organisers and chairs of events and meetings are responsible for promoting and maintaining these principles. Participants should be reminded of the importance of treating others with respect – for example in brief opening remarks and/or by referring to this Code of Conduct in accompanying information.


Teaching and supervision should be carried out in an inclusive environment to encourage participation. Organisers are responsible for ensuring that everyone is contributing.

Staff and students are expected to conduct themselves respectfully to one another. Staff should be sensitive to the difference of power in the teaching relationship. Any critique or feedback should be concerned solely with the person’s work, and adapted to the recipient’s level of experience.

Faculty should be conscious of the diversity of perspective of their audience when lecturing, and when selecting examples and study material.

Everyone is encouraged to reflect on how they communicate in lectures, seminars and meetings, and the impact this can have on others.


Social and networking and events organised as part of the departmental activity, such as informal drinks or team building events should follow the same guidelines; organisers and participants should be mindful to foster inclusivity and respectful exchanges.


If a member of the economics community experiences bullying and/or harassment, there are processes in place to provide guidance and support.

Detailed information on how the Department aims to prevent Bullying & Harassment can be found on the Department's SharePoint site (SSO required). 

The Department does not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation and expects all members of our community and its visitors to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration, reflecting and adhering to the University of Oxford’s policy on Bullying and Harassment.  

There are two trained Harassment Advisors in the Department who offer confidential guidance and support on next steps. This includes detailed information on the options open to Department members if they wish to report an incident of bullying or harassment as either a victim or an active bystander.

Harassment Advisors are trained to provide guidance on how to access further support and advice in the first instance. ​​​​A conversation with a Harassment Advisor is simply that; it doesn't start a formal process but provides an opportunity for you to voice your concerns in a supportive, confidential and non-judgemental space.  


The Economics Department does not tolerate discrimination of any kind. Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of any individual based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex, or sexual orientation.

The Department adheres to the University’s Equality policy. It is our duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that no member of our community is unlawfully discriminated against based on any protected characteristics.


If you encounter bullying or harassment, or witness behaviour that does not meet the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct, we encourage you to report it as soon as possible. We understand the importance of providing multiple options to report such incidents, ensuring that the individual concerned can choose an approach that feels suitable and manageable.

We are committed to addressing these issues promptly and providing the necessary support to ensure a swift resolution. Your well-being, and the maintenance of a respectful environment are our top priorities.